

On June 19th, 2004, with little fanfare from the public or press, but with great love and dedication from the participants and organizers, an amazing event took place. A granite memorial wall commemorating the soldiers who have died in Middle East conflicts was transported 65 miles from Summit to Marseilles, Illinois with an honor guard of over 12,000 motorcycles. This outpouring of respect and gratitude filled the highway, two motorcycles deep, from horizon to horizon for over 50 minutes. People waved, cried and waved flags from overpasses and bridges and the noise of the engines became a thunderous reminder of the soldiers who have served, fought and died in the Middle East.


This was the second Freedom Run. The wall is 50 feet long and 6 feet high and sadly, has inscribed the names of approximately 2,500 soldiers who have been killed in the line of duty. It stands at 200 Riverfront Drive, Marseilles, Illinois, honoring soldiers from all conflicts from 1980 forward, including: Operation Desert One, the Lebanon Barracks Bombing, Operation Desert Shield/Storm, the USS Cole, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Since its dedication on June 19th, many more Soldiers have been added to the memorial. Sadly each week this number grows.

The wall was conceived by Illinois Motorcycle Freedom Run founders, Tony Cutrano and Jerry Cooch, and built by volunteers who generously donated their time, energy, and money to honor the fallen soldiers of the conflicts in the Middle East. The memorial is the only one of its kind in the United States and will provide a lasting place of honor for the soldiers remembered here and a source of comfort for the families of these brave men and women.

Throughout the past year the Illinois Motorcycle Freedom Run has also donated money and delivered memorials to 9 Illinois Veterans Homes and Hospitals. In addition they have donated money to several families of our fallen heroes. Your support is greatly needed. Please spread awareness of the existence of this fine memorial to people across the nation so that our service men and women and their families know we care.


An account has been set up to cover costs of maintaining and updating the names on the memorial. In addition, donations will help with educational or medical expenses for the children of the veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Mission Statement

1:) To aid and assist U.S Military Veterans and their families.

2:) To receive contributions for Veterans and their families and to administer the distribution thereof.

3:) Organize and sponsor annually a Freedom Run to the Marseilles Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial to be held the third Saturday of each June.

4:) To ensure the names on the Marseilles Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial are current and up-to-date on a bi-annual basis.

5:) To erect other monuments in honor of our Military Veterans.

6:) To uphold and promote the welfare of the community by advancing its civic , social , economic and cultural development.

7:) To plan, foster and promote principles and patriotic ideals compatible with the provisions of the Constitution of the United States.

8:) To acquire, purchase, lease , rent , mortgage and otherwise deal in and with real estate and personal property to be used exclusively for the betterment of U.S. Military Veterans and their families.

9:) To have all of the incidental powers needed or required to carry out the above purpose, and in general to have all the other power to provide Not-For-Profit Corporations organized under the laws of the State of Illinois.

Jan 10th:  General  Meeting, John B is in need of helpers to map out the new rout. Frank Masters is still working on sponsorship for this years bands, Marseilles is to lets us Know This Thursday its ideas on vending. Lou brought in the new design for the shirts. Tony talked briefly  about the door prizes and starting point for this years run.  Congratulations to Dawn Valloni, Dawn has accepted a position on the Board as Front Gate Rep!  REMINDER:::: Feb 5 & 6th Chicago Super Cycle Show, those who signed up to help we thank you in advance.

Dec13:   General meeting, John B, talked about the new rout. Frank and Gary talked about there ideas for this years entertainment, John M. talked about his new ideas for this years product, possibly adding window clings and Skull caps. Tony talked about distribution of monies, possibly helping those out of state, also talked about Door prizes and some options open to the Freedom Run. Nichole and Cassidy Mizzi shared with our organization their dedication to our Soldiers, With Help from there School Principle “Mr. Hobart”, 85 students wrote letters to Soldiers overseas, some so dedicated they stayed after school to write them. WAY TO GO SE GRASS MIDDLE SCHOOL!  Chief Hovious from Marseilles attended this meeting he assured us Marseilles is receptive of The Freedom Run returning again in 2005!  Have a Very Merry Christmas! Be safe , happy and Healthy!

Nov 8th:  General meeting, the basics were discussed , possible new rout, entertainment, product, distribution of monies, vending . door prizes, donations, live video feed and Marseilles commitment. Committees where set up, anyone interested in helping in any of these areas is welcome. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Oct 11th:  General meeting , All the Thank-you’s have been sent out, if anyone knows of a Business or Person who did not get a thank you from the Freedom Run, please let us know so we can take care of it. We hope all those who able to attend the Appreciation party had a good time. We like to thank the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for their wonderful presentation, it sure blew us away!

Sept 13:   General meeting, Lou brought the Dvd, everyone who was able to attend this meeting was able to watch this 37 minute Dvd. for a donation of $10.00 everyone was also able to get a copy. Great work Lou the Dvd’s are a excellent way for all of us to reflect back . Sadly every week we are faced with  Soldiers to be placed on the wall, Our organization is dedicated and motivated to honor each and every Soldier without fail!

Aug 9th:General meeting, we discussed the maintenance of the wall , Marseilles or the Freedom Run Org responsibility to be determined. Adding the names Maurice Moore will continue the responsibility of the names. After everything is proof read and added we will notify the org to the fact. Lou Fischer and family produced a 37 minute documentary of the dedication on DVD they will be available for $10.00 at the next meeting. We are also in the process of getting one done from in its entirety from the first run with the protestors downtown , St. Anne and Marseilles IL . We hope these will also be available next meeting or at least a sample, these will be $19.99 a DVD. Different ideas for fundraiser were talked about, Vegas night , poker runs, candle light bowl, nothing locked down as of yet , lets hear your ideas!!!!! Come forward if you would like to head one of these events!

Aug 1st:   The 4th Annual Cuffs ( Cops United For Friends Special Olympics) motorcycle poker Run out of Summit Parks VFW hall. A lot of our volunteers showed up for this event put together by our Good friend Dave Seaquest with Summit Police Dept.

July 18th: We rode to Marion VA hospital in Marion IL and Anna VA home in Anna IL both are in Southern IL . Delivered the wall memorial with a 500.00 dollar donation and T-shirts only 12 motorcycle went on this ride, in Anna we met one of the oldest living Vets in IL he was 103 years old!!! What a treat. Both homes where very receptive serving us lunch and refreshments. On the trip back a few of us stopped in St. Anne IL to pay homage to the monument we put there the year before. A little rain but all in all it was a good trip, maybe for the next monument placement we will have more cycles come out and show their support!

June 19th: 2nd Illinois Motorcycle Freedom Run Summit to Marseilles, Approx 11,500 cycles showed up of all shapes and sizes for the ride from Summit Park IL to take the 65 mile trek to Marseilles IL  to honor our Service men and woman who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can have our “FREEDOM” !!! The route was I55 to I80 with the help of State and local police from various towns, it surpassed any other ride in the country this year with intersections and Feeder ramps being blocked the entire length of the route. We interrupted traffic for 35 miles, all along the way Truckers blowing there horns, people waving flags as the monument truck carrying our dedication monument rode through. There were guest speakers including Greg Curran, Eric Schuller, Brigadier General’s Kirkland and Botz    Various Veterans and active Military personal,  Chief petty officer Boaz , Sgt Blackwell, and members of the VFW post in Summit, along with the families of those honored on the wall. Most riders stayed in Marseilles after the run instead of returning to Summit for the fund raiser, those who did return were entertained by various music groups including Britt Small , Jeannie Ryan and Fatal order, just to name a few. A raffle put together by cycle focus magazine and a grand prize trip for two from Apple Vacations was also raffled to help raise money. A monument was also erected in Summit Park to honor our Heroes!! There was plenty of food as well as fine drinks.  Thanks to all who helped make this years run a success ~!

June 14th:  Down to the wire now! Friday June 18th Staff shirts/tickets/wristbands will be given out at Summit park during set up. We are still accepting raffle donation, bring them Friday to the park or even Saturday morning. Lets not forget safety, this is so important! Paying close attention to the leaders is Key. Special thanks to the many volunteers, Supporting our Troops & their families is what this is all about. Dedication, Honor, integrity, and Freedom, this is what we are all made of!

To all our fallen soldiers from the mid east conflicts
We are saddened. For those that mourn them, We keep them in our prayers!

Capt. Paul C. Alaniz, 32
Sgt. Christopher J. Babin, 27
Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty, 22
Pfc. Gunnar D. Becker, 19
Spc. Bradley J. Bergeron, 25
SSgt. Brian D. Bland, 26
Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling, 23
Spc. Jimmy D. Buie, 44
Spc. Taylor J. Burk, 21
Sgt. Kyle W. Childress, 29
LCpl. Julio C. CisnerosAlvarez, 22
S1C Kurt J. Comeaux, 34
Sgt. Zachariah S. Davis, 25
Pvt. Cory R. Depew, 21
LCpl. Jonathan E. Etterling, 22
Spc. Huey P. L. Fassbender, 24
Sgt. Michael W. Finke Jr., 28
Cpl. Joseph E. Fite, 23
Pfc. Jesus Fonseca, 19
Spc. Armand L. Frickey, 20
1Lt. Travis J. Fuller, 26
Pfc. George R. Geer, 27
Cpl. Timothy M. Gibson, 23
Cpl. Richard A. Gilbert Jr., 26
Capt. Lyle L. Gordon, 30
Cpl. Kyle J. Grimes, 21
Pfc Daniel F. Guastaferro, 27
LCpl. Tony L. Hernandez, 22
1Lt. Nainoa K. Hoe, 27
LCpl. Matthew W. Holloway, 21
Cpl. Paul C. Holter III, 21
LCpl. Brian C. Hopper, 21
PO3C John D. House, 28
Sgt. Thomas E. Houser, 22
LCpl. Saeed Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr 24
Spc. Alain L. Kamolvathin, 21
Cpl. Sean P. Kelly, 23
SSgt. Dexter S. Kimble, 30
LSgt. William S. Kinzer Jr., 27
Cpl. Allan Klein, 34
Spc. Jeff LeBrun, 21
LCpl. Karl R. Linn, 20
Pfc. Kevin M. Luna, 26
Capt. Joe F. Lusk II, 25
LCpl. Fred L. Maciel, 20
S1C Brian A. Mack, 36
SSgt. William F. Manuel, 34
Spc. Joshua S. Marcum, 33
Spc. Dwayne J. McFarlane Jr, 20
Spc. Jeremy W. McHalffey, 28
Cpl. James L. Moore, 24
Cpl. Nathaniel K. Moore, 22
Spc. Warren A. Murphy, 29
S1Cl Pedro A. Munoz, 47
Pfc. Francis C. Obaji, 21
LCpl. Brian P. Parrello, 19
Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson, 26
LCpl. Mourad Ragimov, 20
LCpl. Rhonald D. Rairdan, 20
LCpl. Hector Ramos, 20
SSgt. Jose C. Rangel, 43
LCpl. Gael Saintvil, 24
Cpl. Nathan A. Schubert, 22
LCpl. Darrell J. Schumann, 25
1stLt. Dustin M. Shumney, 30
Cpl. Matthew R. Smith, 24
Spc. Michael J. Smith, 24
LCpl. Joseph B. Spence, 24
LCpl. Michael L. Starr Jr., 21
Sgt. Jesse W. Strong, 24
Capt. Christopher J. Sullivan, 29
Sgt. Brett D. Swank
Sgt Robert W Sweeney III 22
Sgt. Nathaniel T. Swindell, 24
LCpl. Juan Rodriguez Velasco, 23
SSgt. Thomas E. Vitagliano, 33
Pfc. Kenneth G. Vonronn, 20
Sgt. Bennie J. Washington, 25
Cpl. Christopher L. Weaver, 24
Pfc. Curtis L. Wooten III, 20
Sgt. Jeremy R. Wright, 31